Die Geschichte vom Braunkäppchen - Teil 2 / how I became little brown riding hood - part 2
Geschrieben in Nähen am 20.03.2017 von Eva-Maria
Der Winter nähert sich seinem Ende, die Vögel zwitschern schon wieder eifrig und meine Motivation für Näharbeiten ist wieder deutlich gestiegen. Das bedeutet konkret, dass die Arbeit an der braunen Gugel nach einigen Monaten Pause nun endlich weitergeht. Im letzten Blogpost habe ich euch bereits die Schnittkonstruktion der Gugel vorgestellt, nun geht es an das Finish: 9 Knöpfe und Knopflöcher warten!
As the winter is nearing its end and the birds are chirping happily again, I too rediscovered my sewing motivation. Which in this case means that I started the finishing touches on the medieval woman's hood. I already wrote about the pattern and the sewing process here. Now, I am making 9 cloth buttons and sew the corresponding button holes.

Based on an illustration from the Roman de la Rose (MS 1380, University of Chicago Library), circa 1365, I put the buttonholes on the right side of the hood. (And if someone is recounting: The didn't sew the marked buttonhole in the corner as it wasn't historically proven.)

The buttonholes are bound with natural-white wool thread.

The cloth buttons are sewn with sturdy naturally brown linen thread.

Finished! The hood fits closely to the face and even has a fancy tail.

The hood's tail reaches down to the bottom and can conveniently be tucked into the belt (if one wears one that is).

A front view: the neck could be more fitted but all in all I am happy with how the hood turned out.