blâwe hosen leit sie an diu bein / a blue woman's hose
Geschrieben in Nähen am 17.09.2018 von Eva-Maria
Da mein erstes Paar Strümpfe aus dem Jahre 2008 mehr aus Flicken denn aus Stoff besteht, musste eine neue Hose her. Blau sollte sie sein und aus dünner köperbindiger Wolle - soweit zumindest meine Vorstellung. Nachdem ich den passenden Stoff erstanden hatte, konnte es auch schon losgehen. Für das Schnittmuster orientierte ich mich an den Hosen aus dem Fundkomplex von London und den Beispielen, die ich in meiner Belegsammlung zu weiblicher Beinbekleidung bereits vorgestellt hatte.
As my first pair of hose stems from 2008 and really is made more of patches than fabric, it was time for a new one. I wanted to have a blue hose made of thin twill wool. After hunting down a suitable piece of fabric, the work could beginn. I took the pattern from the London hose as a model, as well as the different extant examples I already presented in this blogpost.

First, the piece that'll cover the foot is sewn into the u-shaped opening of the leg part.

After the seam allowance has been neatened with whip stitches, the whole hose ist folded in half and the backwards seam closed.

It is advisable to check the fit prior to sewing. The hose is provisionally sewn together and tried on. The needles and pencil markings show where it has to be taken in.

When everything fits the hose is sewn together, the sewing allowance trimmed and the top opening hemmed.

The new pair of hose is finished!