Roulade für Nadeln / a brick stitch needleroll
Geschrieben in Alltag, Sticken am 27.11.2019 von Eva-Maria
Was als Handtaschenprojekt für Flugreisen begonnen hatte, ist nun endlich fertig geworden - eine kleine Nadeltasche mit Ziegelstichmuster. Gestickt mit pflanzengefärbtem Seidengarn zeigt sich das Muster in glänzender Schönheit. Und auch die Details haben es in sich - lasst mich euch die einzelnen Schritte zeigen.
What started out as a small handbag project for flights has finally been finished - a medieval needlecase with brick stitch embroidery. I love the sheen of the plant-dyed silks! And the finishing touches have been paid some special attention too - check out the progress pictures below.

The original pattern comes from a lenten veil with Scenes of the Life of Mary that was made in Kloster Wienhausen (after 1346/1355). It has been digitized by Racaire - many thanks for your work!

That's how I usually finish the back of my brick stitch embroideries. I simply whip down some fabric allowance. For the yellow lining a piece of linen has been placed inside to stiffen it.

The edges are finished off with some card weaving.

Finally a fingerlooped lace (of 8 loops) is attached - and the needleroll is ready to receive some veil pins!